Monday, June 29, 2009

Why Do We Fall?

Why do we fall?
Ask my friends..

Why do we fall?
We fall so we can learn
Without fall we dont know how to stand up
When we fall we learn how to stand
When we fall, we learn what it feels to be hurt
Without hurt, we dont know what life is
When we hurt, we wont hurt

Why do we fall?
What the reason for us to fall
When we on the way to top
We must fall, we must learn
If we dont fall, but we reach the top
When we comfortable with our life
Then when we fall, we wont stand up
We must fall in order to be at the top
Because there is no easy way to success
Even the successful man has ever fall

Why do we fall?
So we can learn not to give up easily
So that we can be what we want to be
So dont give up when we can see the road
Also dont give up, when all disappear
Because one day it will lead us the right path
When we dont give after we fall

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